How to Make Money With Amazon — JMD Computing Club - Make Money | SEO Internet Hacks

How to Make Money With Amazon

Blog, amazon, affiliate, wordpress, blog, making money, earning money, blogger, dropshipping, promotion, promote, website, create a blog

How to Make Money With Amazon: Part 2

We discussed the procedures in Getting Started Making Money With Amazon Part 1 up to how you can locate your site hosting. Now, let's go through the final steps necessary to begin.

6. Create a blog site

Why would you want to use a blog site? Because it will offer you the essential structure to manage an excellent website and easily publish new content. Download WordPress is the most widely used platform. It is open-source, which means that it is completely free, simple to install, and has incredible features (see WordPress advantages and disadvantages). Many web providers offer a one-step installation method, or instructions are readily available. Here's the few steps to install WordPress.
Similar also to the, it's free, owned by Google. If you want to know the comparison of WordPress vs Blogger, check this out!

7. Make it appealing visually

One of the advantages of WordPress is the abundance of available templates. Along with the hundreds of free themes and plugins, hundreds of premium WordPress themes are available for purchase as well. Choose a visually appealing theme relevant to your niche, check out your preferences, and include the tools you require.

8. Create categories

Your blog software should enable you to create categories to help you organize your entries and make it easier for your visitors to locate what they're looking for. For instance, your Jack Russel website may include sections on training, eating, and toys.

9. Become an Amazon Affiliate

Signing up is easy and completely free. Simply visit the Amazon website and click the 'Join Associates' link at the bottom of the page. Your website, at the minimum, should have the essentials and some content because Amazon will evaluate it.

10. Create links to your blog posts

There are numerous methods for creating links. You can utilize the tools included with your blog program, but the simplest method is to utilize the Amazon Build A Link tool. Log into your Associate account and locate the product for review. Create your customized link. There are several methods for link creation, but most experts agree that text links are the most successful.

11. It's time to blog

The next step would be composing and publishing your blog review. This where you'll integrate your link code to the product on Amazon (made previously) for which you're writing the review. It is ideal if you will incorporate a variety of reviews.

12. Promote your website/blog

Ensure that you devote time and effort for your website/blog to reach a wider audience. There are numerous online groups and social media and directory sites that can assist you in promoting your site. The wider the reach, the better!

Some results on how to promote your business online

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