8 SEO Tips For Your Clients To Be Profitable — JMD Computing Club - Make Money | SEO Internet Hacks

8 SEO Tips For Your Clients To Be Profitable

SEO Tips For Your Clients To Be Profitable

Tips for Search Engine Optimization are widely sought after as this is a crucial aspect to generating traffic and income from your website.

Here are some that they all agree on:

  1. Don’t put any time or effort into a website without first taking a look at your search engine optimization strategy. Your efforts will be wasted if you do so.

  2. On the other hand, you can do all the SEO that you want but if it is not based in good content, then this is also a waste of time. Make sure that the content you are offering on your website is original, valuable and problem-solving. This will bring in the best kind of links — the organic ones. People will link to you naturally because you have something of value that they want to provide to your readers. Updating your content will increase your rankings. Try to add fresh, useful content to your pages on a regular basis. The search engines favor this. The “look and feel” of your website is also important, but not as important as the content. However, photos, graphs, pictures, or images and an easy-to-navigate site will help you in terms of SEO.

  3. Make sure that you include an original title tag on every page of your site, and make sure that it includes your keyword. Many people make the mistake of putting the name of their company in these titles, but in general your company name will not get too many searches, while your keywords will.

  4. Don’t forget internal linking. When you use anchor text within your site, make sure that the linked text is a keyword or keyword phrase, and not something like “click here”.

  5. This is one of the more overlooked tips for search engine optimization. Most people think of link-building in terms of quantity. But the reality is that the quality of the incoming links are much important than the quantity. One simple link from a high-quality site can offer you much greater results than lots of poor quality links, which can actually hurt your ranking.

  6. Broaden your way of communicating to include video, PowerPoints, podcasts, news, press releases, social content and so forth. The more different ways you can communicate what you have to offer, the better you will look in the eyes of the search engine. If you were to choose just one other form of communication, let it be video. Video is extremely hot and growing in popularity every day.

  7. Make it easy for your visitors to increase your site’s ranking. Add what can be termed “viral components” to your website or blog such as bookmarking, reviews, ratings, visitor comments, and sharing tools.

  8. And the last of these tips for search engine optimization, do not underestimate or discount the power of social marketing. This is a great contributor to SEO.


SEO experts will focus on different tips that have helped themselves or their clients to be profitable.

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